這二張照片,是路人拍的,他們post在我們社區的facebook group上,我下載下來的。我看了一下下面的留言,大家都說這是一個恐怖的車禍,而且車禍當時發生很大的聲響,但是看到他們三人都還好好地站立在車外,車子也沒有爆炸,路人都感到十分驚奇。

1. 首先,森文在前一天晚上上了一次大號(這不是他的習慣),他說這完全預防了他出車禍時嚇得屁滾尿流的窘況。
2. 車禍後,有兩個門是可以開的。駕駛座和駕駛座後面的門還是可以打開的,所以森文可以開門爬出車外。另外兩個門都變形卡死了。森文是個動作慢的人,但是那天他非常快的爬出車外,Timmy也是自己爬出車外的,然後森文把妹妹抱出來。其實車內有許多碎碎的小玻璃渣子,但是Timothy幾乎是毫髮無傷的爬出車外。
3. 再來,車子沒有爆炸。那天車子的油是裝得滿滿的。
那殺身體不能殺靈魂的,不要怕他們;惟有能把身體和靈魂都滅在地獄裡的,正要怕他。兩個麻雀不是賣一分銀子嗎?若是你們的父不許,一個也不能掉在地上;就是你們的頭髮也都被數過了。所以,不要懼怕,你們比許多麻雀還貴重!」馬太10: 28-31
另一處經文是詩篇46: 10 -11:
你們要休息,要知道我是神!我必在外邦中被尊崇,在遍地上也被尊崇。 萬軍之耶和華與我們同在,雅各的神是我們的避難所。
希伯來書12:28 - 29對屬神的兒女說:所以,我們既得了不能震動的國,就當感恩,照神所喜悅的,用虔誠、敬畏的心侍奉神, 因為我們的神乃是烈火。
Peace be to you, Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you all for your concerns, prayers, and encouragement for our family due to recent events. Here are some pictures we’d like to share with you all.
These two pictures were taken by passersby, and they were posted to my community's Facebook group. Shuya downloaded them. She went through the comments. Everybody said this was a freaky and scary accident. There was a loud noise from the accident, but the three of them looked just fine outside of the car. The car didn't explode either. Passersby are really surprised.
This picture was taken by me, and you can see the kids smiling naturally. Shuya was complaining to me that why in the world would I ask the kids to smile! I said I didn't ask the kids to smile, and so their smile was natural. Borrowing a phrase from Brother Ben, these were the smiles of victory - they have God in their hearts.
This picture is from Samantha's 9th birthday celebration three days after the accident. This birthday has a special meaning for us. There is a Taiwanese saying for the number 9, which is associated with bad luck – sometimes a particularly bad year. Perhaps there is some truth to it. However, facts shown that God's peace is greater than superstitious bad luck.
The accident happened on the Morning of May 25th. While I was on my routine driving kids to school in the morning, our SUV was struck by a speeding pickup.
I said the collision happened in an instant. I told her that it's almost as if it was a near death experience. I felt as if in movies - I was airborne and tumbled, and I was upside down instantly. But right after, I was collected and immediately got out of the car and begin to get the kids out.
Recalling this episode, Timothy thought he was in a dream.
He got out of the car only remembering Sammy's crying and not recalling how he got out.
Besides some leg discomfort, he wasn't hurt at all.
Daddy carried Sammy out, but she had a gash near her nose ridge. She cried for a while before calming down. She said she was crying because of the shock and not really knowing what had happened.
It appears that the temporary loss of memory for them may have taken away potential trauma. It's almost as if God wanted to takeaway fear from their hearts.
In this whole ordeal, God's protections are clearly visible:
- First, I had a number 2 the night before - not my habit; it certainly prevented anything embarrassing from happening for me.
- After the collision, only two doors on driver's side can still be opened - the other two doors were out of shape and jammed shut, as a result, I was able to get out of the car rapidly (I’m not known for being a fast acting person), and Timmy was able to get out by himself. Little sister got carried out very fast as well. The cabin is full of glass shards, but Tim got out unscathed.
- Finally, the car was refueled just days before and didn't explode
Hospital exam shows no sign of injury for Tim. I had a minor cut and got a TDap shot. Little sis got three stitches. A guy Dr with a big old cross on his necklace sewn for Sammy. Not many guys would wear a cross let alone a such a big cross. But that cross symbolizes God's comfort for us - that everything is in his control.
In this picture, you'll see our little girl right after the Dr finished the sutures. She got a popsicle from her nurse, and she told her nurse, don't forget to bring one to my big brother.
These pictures show that our car turned into a mangled mess at the toll yard. We were trying to retrieve our belongings.
Returning home, we see an empty space in our garage. A sigh in our hearts: a stark reminder that our well loved kid wagon is sacrificed. It feels like we lost a family member, and Shuya replied that he died so you all lived. As Shuya closed her sentence, her mind's eye showed that Jesus' embrace in the rollover, holding me and kids, brought us to safety and to life. Right then and there, Shuya’s filled with the love of God that sent his only begotten son to die for us. It reminds us of a verse in Psalm 17:8 : Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
I got this lovely book out four days before the accident. I was thinking about using for kids on Mandarin fellowship nights. In retrospect, God was preparing my heart. God is a very detailed God!
That night, we shared and prayed to ponder the meaning of it all.
Tim: Rom 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Sam: God is omnipotent and omnipresent. God was present during the accident. We gazed at her trusting look, and it crystallized the faith of a child for us.
Senwen, I learned that everyday is in God's hand, got to trust in God, period.
However, Shuya had doubts: God, do you really care? Why you allowed this hardship on us?
Two verses echoed in her heart in tandem: Matthew 10:28-31: Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
As second verse, Psalm 46:10-11 came to mind: He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Kan family's little world was shaken upside down on May 25th. What was seen was shaken; but what was unseen was shaken as well: like we are not in full control of our own lives at all. The bible says that heaven and earth will disappear one day, but only the Kingdom and the will of God will never be shaken.
Hebrews 12:28-29 teaches the children of God: Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire".
Through this ordeal, we now realized that true peace is not a hiccup free comfortable living, true peace is recognizing that when human crisis arise that we have an unshakeable God as our reliance, refuge, and fortress.
Do you belong to God? Do you belong in this unshakeable kingdom? Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is near. This alpha and omega is still patiently waiting for you.